The Space Between
"Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched out, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds' wings."
This morning I awoke to the gentle sounds of rain and a cool chill in the air. A reprieve from Septembers' oppressive heat; a welcomed change. And as I sat outside gazing up at the grey-blue sky I watched the last remnants of the nights' rain drizzle down in a slow dance.
The morning put me into Nature's Trance, where a mere moment seems to last for hours, but passes in seconds. As the rain fell the birds sang their song welcoming the new day, and the sun fought its way through the thick blanket of clouds.
But, unlike on a clear day, where cotton-ball clouds play with their shape, no movement in them could be seen; and often that is the case in life: it is most difficult to see the clouds move- change happening- when you are surrounded by great moments. . .the chill, the rain, the wind, the birds' song. . .they all seem to become one another and it feels like you will never move.
Even more so when the sky is filled with darkness, the heavens open up and roar with sound and crash with light. . .the clouds seem as if they have taken up permanent residence above you ensuring an endless night. But they have already begun their journey; in fact, it never ended. For those clouds open and close, shifting and transforming themselves with every breath.
Just because you cannot see the change occurring doesn't mean its not happening. So the next time you feel yourself trapped in a scary storm, know that the clouds are already moving to give way to sunshine.
Honor the space between. Breathe. And let the sunshine come.